Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Tk100 Students
This time another story from Dhaka University DU. Apparently one of the countries premier university. All this over Tk100. Is it me or is it that university's in BD only admit animals? They are certainly uneducated and uncivilized. I wonder if after graduation they will be civilized... Actually I know the answer to that question. Not the answer I would like tho. Looks the the army have all but retreated. This scene would have been dealt with a heavy hand about 6 months ago. Rightly so. Would be good to see the marks of an army boot on the dirty students faces.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Road Traffic Accidents & Students

The roads in Bangladesh are devoid of any laws that are obeyed or enforced. I doubt the government agencies keep any statistics on the number of deaths from road accidents.
Then again is it the governments fault? We seem to blame everything on the government. In the west if the government didn't do it then an NGO would do it. Yes, this wouldn't work in BD because an NGO would only function if it could siphon off money from a foreign country in the name of helping locals.
I read today this article about Students vandalizing private vehicles because of an accident that killed a fellow student. Read the article. It's quite sad that these so-called students study at a university. I mean they are supposed to be the cream of educated - people fit for running the country. How fit can this lot be when they behave in such Neanderthal manner??!
You want to protest?? Fair enough. Come up with some constructive criticism. How can it be fixed? Well unlike the students of Dania University College in Jatrabari demands I do not think that introducing a zebra crossing will improve the situation. It will only work if it is enforced. Obviously these moronic (un)-educated scum have probably read that in the west there are such things. Well they didn't research the bit that in the west they don't have a intercity highway running through the middle of a city!!
Now to the other point - loss to the country. All the vehicles sold in the country are of foreign origin including the parts. The amount of damage such thugs cause is untold to the particular persons vehicle. Ever thought of the effects on the country's finance with regards to adding even more pressure on buying foreign goods with the little foreign reserves the country holds? I guess it's above the intelligence of the people who commit such acts....
Dania University College,
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Not many
Its about time I aired my views of a breed of creatures that are called Bengali doctors / nurses spurned on by the events at Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital. See the Daily start article on 8/4/04.
Bangladesh is a country where there are so many medical professionals. I use the word professionals with a pinch of salt. One maybe be wondering why am I referring to them as creatures - well because if you put them in the league with humans then it would be ridiculing the human race. To be a bit more polite I'll refer to them as Bengdocs in this article because it is a distinct trait of Bengali/ Bangladeshi doctors/ nurses/ medical interns.
Bengdocs are supposed to be a section of society who are most educated, much like engineers, lawyers etc. Indeed, they are given world class education in medicine. If you go to the Sylhet Stadium, where the locals have turned the stadium shops into what you would class as a General Surgery or polyclinic in the West, you will see that most of the doctors have trained abroad. Now the training they undertook in the West will always include ethics, morals and phsycology. Sadly I have yet to come across Bengdocs with any of those in a skills in a positive manner.
As soon as you see a doc he is supposed to make you at ease from your discomfort. Yet the Bengdocs behave like animals with their harsh, abrasive language and behaviour. A vet does not behave like that to a sick animal in the West or even in Bangladesh for that matter the way they behave and treat their patients - even tho they are paying for the advise.
You see Bengdocs and nurses behave in such an awful manner whether you are in a private hospital or at the state hospital like the MAG Osmani in Sylhet. They are rude, unwilling to help and unsympathetic. As if someone forced them into the job. The nurses in the UK are not paid well. However they are ever so polite, go out of their way to help. Even when patients are rude to them they still remain polite as they understand that the patient is under duress due to some illness. Doctors behave in the same manner - if you can get hold of one!
So what has any of this got to do with MAG Osmani. Well an intern misbehaved with a pregnant woman. Which in return was returned with violence from patients. The hospital staff then went on strike and demonstrations. They even beat up a journalist. Just shows how much of a wild animals instinct's are within the mindset of the Bengdocs and nurses. Many patients died due to absence of treatment. It was the Bengdocs way of retaliating - 'touch any of ours rightly or wrongly - and lots of your will die'. Sadly human beings lost their lives due to the actions of sick, inhumane doctors/ nurses/ interns of the MAG Osmani. This isn't a one of case. This kind of story is repeated up and down the country.
This leads onto the nurses who are generally women. The other day I drove past a female college at the end of the day. Hundreds of girls were pouring out onto the street. I sighed and wondered how many of them will end up as nurses and doctors. Quite a lot I thought as its rather popular route for a girl in Bangladesh to take. Then the sad bit hit my mind. I wondered how many of them would take up their respective professions and treat the patients as human beings? How many would have morals and ethics that are expected of a human being in this line of work? I muttered to my self: 'Not many'.
Bangladesh is a country where there are so many medical professionals. I use the word professionals with a pinch of salt. One maybe be wondering why am I referring to them as creatures - well because if you put them in the league with humans then it would be ridiculing the human race. To be a bit more polite I'll refer to them as Bengdocs in this article because it is a distinct trait of Bengali/ Bangladeshi doctors/ nurses/ medical interns.
Bengdocs are supposed to be a section of society who are most educated, much like engineers, lawyers etc. Indeed, they are given world class education in medicine. If you go to the Sylhet Stadium, where the locals have turned the stadium shops into what you would class as a General Surgery or polyclinic in the West, you will see that most of the doctors have trained abroad. Now the training they undertook in the West will always include ethics, morals and phsycology. Sadly I have yet to come across Bengdocs with any of those in a skills in a positive manner.
As soon as you see a doc he is supposed to make you at ease from your discomfort. Yet the Bengdocs behave like animals with their harsh, abrasive language and behaviour. A vet does not behave like that to a sick animal in the West or even in Bangladesh for that matter the way they behave and treat their patients - even tho they are paying for the advise.
You see Bengdocs and nurses behave in such an awful manner whether you are in a private hospital or at the state hospital like the MAG Osmani in Sylhet. They are rude, unwilling to help and unsympathetic. As if someone forced them into the job. The nurses in the UK are not paid well. However they are ever so polite, go out of their way to help. Even when patients are rude to them they still remain polite as they understand that the patient is under duress due to some illness. Doctors behave in the same manner - if you can get hold of one!
So what has any of this got to do with MAG Osmani. Well an intern misbehaved with a pregnant woman. Which in return was returned with violence from patients. The hospital staff then went on strike and demonstrations. They even beat up a journalist. Just shows how much of a wild animals instinct's are within the mindset of the Bengdocs and nurses. Many patients died due to absence of treatment. It was the Bengdocs way of retaliating - 'touch any of ours rightly or wrongly - and lots of your will die'. Sadly human beings lost their lives due to the actions of sick, inhumane doctors/ nurses/ interns of the MAG Osmani. This isn't a one of case. This kind of story is repeated up and down the country.
This leads onto the nurses who are generally women. The other day I drove past a female college at the end of the day. Hundreds of girls were pouring out onto the street. I sighed and wondered how many of them will end up as nurses and doctors. Quite a lot I thought as its rather popular route for a girl in Bangladesh to take. Then the sad bit hit my mind. I wondered how many of them would take up their respective professions and treat the patients as human beings? How many would have morals and ethics that are expected of a human being in this line of work? I muttered to my self: 'Not many'.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Don't practice what you preach
I've always had the impression that Bengalis were a nation of hypocrites. Harsh? Perhaps - but a fair analysis. Currently everyone thinks that the 'Jouto Bahini' or joint forces are carrying out the anti corruption drive. In reality this so called Jouto Bahini is actually just the Army officers and their henchmen (soldiers). Since 1/11 the lemmings have come out of their barracks and occupied civilian premises.
As an example in Sylhet they have occupied the football stadium. From there they carry out their so called anti corruption drive. Don't get me wrong they have caught a lot of the 'bad guys' such as the thieving bastard of a Mayor of Sylhet - 'Kamran' etc. In fact I'd say nearly 80% of the stuff under the Army has been good. So what's wrong? Well they are doing whatever they like with impunity. Above all they do not practice what they preach.
Now to the main reason of the blog today. Just got a confirmation about corruption by the army. You see in BD if a police officer wants to get posted to a certain location then he has to pay a bribe to the guys in charge of the postings. This usually filters into a tiny sum to the guy at the top. For example I know a police officer who paid Tk 3 lakh (approx £3k at the time) so he did not get posted somewhere else. The reason? Well he was making a tidy sum in bribes at the police station he was posted at.
So what's that got to do with the army/ jouto bahini/ lemmings you say? Well the confirmation I received is that the commanding officers who have been given charge of a district have been paying in the region of Tk50 lakh (Approx. £40k) to be posted as the guy in charge. Why would one pay so much to come out of the barracks and rule a bunch of unruly civilians? Well for a start you can take bribes off these so called unruly citizens. And with the anti-corruption drive the guys that usually take all the money off the everyday citizens is either locked up or on the run. So using the pretext of anti-corruption drive they have got rid of their competition in addition to making themselves a nice tidy sum. Hmmm more of the same please....
As an example in Sylhet they have occupied the football stadium. From there they carry out their so called anti corruption drive. Don't get me wrong they have caught a lot of the 'bad guys' such as the thieving bastard of a Mayor of Sylhet - 'Kamran' etc. In fact I'd say nearly 80% of the stuff under the Army has been good. So what's wrong? Well they are doing whatever they like with impunity. Above all they do not practice what they preach.
Now to the main reason of the blog today. Just got a confirmation about corruption by the army. You see in BD if a police officer wants to get posted to a certain location then he has to pay a bribe to the guys in charge of the postings. This usually filters into a tiny sum to the guy at the top. For example I know a police officer who paid Tk 3 lakh (approx £3k at the time) so he did not get posted somewhere else. The reason? Well he was making a tidy sum in bribes at the police station he was posted at.
So what's that got to do with the army/ jouto bahini/ lemmings you say? Well the confirmation I received is that the commanding officers who have been given charge of a district have been paying in the region of Tk50 lakh (Approx. £40k) to be posted as the guy in charge. Why would one pay so much to come out of the barracks and rule a bunch of unruly civilians? Well for a start you can take bribes off these so called unruly citizens. And with the anti-corruption drive the guys that usually take all the money off the everyday citizens is either locked up or on the run. So using the pretext of anti-corruption drive they have got rid of their competition in addition to making themselves a nice tidy sum. Hmmm more of the same please....
Friday, 18 January 2008
Bangladeshi Students
University students all around the world are praised and looked upon as the future of society. Rightly so, because they will become the highly educated elite that will run the future country both politically and business-wise. Is this the case for BD? I very much doubt it. Recently all the media have been concentrating on the Dhaka University (DU) teachers and students detention. I have a very strong opinion to the matter so I'm going to discuss this over a few posts.
Last year (20th August 2007) during a DU students football match an army officer, as a spectator, got into a fight with a student apparently originating from verbal profanities being shouted by the alleged student. Nonetheless, as the army are ruling the country, the officer decided to use physical violence against the student.
I'd say that it was typical thuggish behaviour from an army lemming not just in Bd but in such a situation anywhere else in the world we'd see a repeat. I've been very close to being kicked shitless by marines/ squaddies/ army lemmings around the world. Credit to my communications skills for winding them up in the 1st place ;-) ... and again for managing to escape without a punch.
In the situation in DU, according to the army lemming, the student swore back at him a few times. Now I know Bd students. I know very many of them from all spheres of lives and universities. It was again a very typical behaviour of a Bd uni student to go to the point of confrontation. Why you may ask? Well you have to understand that students in BD wield too much power. They believe that the centre of the world revolves around them including the whole of BD. They are like a bunch of spoilt brats in a western sense. They have to have it their way or nothing at all.
I wouldn't mind it if they actually added value to the country. Simple matter of fact is they don't. I'll tell you how and why in an other post....
So imagine this. Unlike in the west where maybe the spectators have had a drink or two - I'm assuming that these two were sober as a judge (well maybe not a Bd judge!). Watching a football match where the student is getting over excited and shouting and swearing at the opposition. An army lemming sitting next to him or behind him listens and listens and decides to act. Obviously because he's a lot bigger, hard, and generally he's in the army so he's allowed. Assuming the student was as cheeky as I would did not like what the lemming said to him the lemming decided to grab him. I personally would use diplomacy and shut up to save my arse. Clearly the student in question didn't. Probably because he remembers the days before 11/1/07 (commonly referred to 1/11 in BD) where students were untouchables. Pre 1/11 the student would have got all the other students (who support the same party of course - either BNP/ AL/ Jammat) beat the lemming up and burn down the campus and local cars police stations etc to point out their disagreement.
Unfortunately to his disappointment this didn't happen - only a couple joined in. Instead the army officer got his 'mates', who happened to have set up camp on campus post 1/11 to keep reigns on the students, to kick the shit out of the students and any who dared join in.
End result: student in question & friends had the beatings of their life. Hope it taught them some manners - no need to be swearing at the opposition in any sports. The army lemming apparently suspended or so we were told. Anyone care to help with the names of the two? I'd say the army guy won.
Last year (20th August 2007) during a DU students football match an army officer, as a spectator, got into a fight with a student apparently originating from verbal profanities being shouted by the alleged student. Nonetheless, as the army are ruling the country, the officer decided to use physical violence against the student.
I'd say that it was typical thuggish behaviour from an army lemming not just in Bd but in such a situation anywhere else in the world we'd see a repeat. I've been very close to being kicked shitless by marines/ squaddies/ army lemmings around the world. Credit to my communications skills for winding them up in the 1st place ;-) ... and again for managing to escape without a punch.
In the situation in DU, according to the army lemming, the student swore back at him a few times. Now I know Bd students. I know very many of them from all spheres of lives and universities. It was again a very typical behaviour of a Bd uni student to go to the point of confrontation. Why you may ask? Well you have to understand that students in BD wield too much power. They believe that the centre of the world revolves around them including the whole of BD. They are like a bunch of spoilt brats in a western sense. They have to have it their way or nothing at all.
I wouldn't mind it if they actually added value to the country. Simple matter of fact is they don't. I'll tell you how and why in an other post....
So imagine this. Unlike in the west where maybe the spectators have had a drink or two - I'm assuming that these two were sober as a judge (well maybe not a Bd judge!). Watching a football match where the student is getting over excited and shouting and swearing at the opposition. An army lemming sitting next to him or behind him listens and listens and decides to act. Obviously because he's a lot bigger, hard, and generally he's in the army so he's allowed. Assuming the student was as cheeky as I would did not like what the lemming said to him the lemming decided to grab him. I personally would use diplomacy and shut up to save my arse. Clearly the student in question didn't. Probably because he remembers the days before 11/1/07 (commonly referred to 1/11 in BD) where students were untouchables. Pre 1/11 the student would have got all the other students (who support the same party of course - either BNP/ AL/ Jammat) beat the lemming up and burn down the campus and local cars police stations etc to point out their disagreement.
Unfortunately to his disappointment this didn't happen - only a couple joined in. Instead the army officer got his 'mates', who happened to have set up camp on campus post 1/11 to keep reigns on the students, to kick the shit out of the students and any who dared join in.
End result: student in question & friends had the beatings of their life. Hope it taught them some manners - no need to be swearing at the opposition in any sports. The army lemming apparently suspended or so we were told. Anyone care to help with the names of the two? I'd say the army guy won.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
I did it!
At last I managed to get around and sort out a blog spot. Ever since the birth of blogging I've been meaning to set up my own blog but procrastination got the better of me.
Who am I? Actually I wont be divulging much of my identity on this blog. I can tell you that I am Bengali and I live quite a bit in Bangladesh (Bd).
What is this blog for? I want to show the Real Bd to people. Everyday things happen here in Bd which really annoy me. So much corruption, so many problems which are only described by newspapers in a third person perspective. I want to share my experiences of this god-damned corrupt place of the world.
Why? So people, Bengali's mainly, around the world can see real Bd issues from a different point of view.
Lastly I'd like to say that comments will be allowed on my rants. That's if I figure out how to enable them. Word of warning: If you don't like my point of view then its simply TOUGH. You don't have to read it. However, you can comment on why my pov is wrong or differences in opinion. I wont delete it. However if it is a stupid, uneducated, dumb comment then it might get placed in the electronic hell by the delete comment button. Needless to say I wont be entering into a slanging match.
What I'd ideally like is for people to read, understand and discuss my pov with respect to the blog. In a civilised manner (<-- wasn't sure whether to add that but realised this is Bd we are talking about - so all or any safety precautions are always an added bonus).
Who am I? Actually I wont be divulging much of my identity on this blog. I can tell you that I am Bengali and I live quite a bit in Bangladesh (Bd).
What is this blog for? I want to show the Real Bd to people. Everyday things happen here in Bd which really annoy me. So much corruption, so many problems which are only described by newspapers in a third person perspective. I want to share my experiences of this god-damned corrupt place of the world.
Why? So people, Bengali's mainly, around the world can see real Bd issues from a different point of view.
Lastly I'd like to say that comments will be allowed on my rants. That's if I figure out how to enable them. Word of warning: If you don't like my point of view then its simply TOUGH. You don't have to read it. However, you can comment on why my pov is wrong or differences in opinion. I wont delete it. However if it is a stupid, uneducated, dumb comment then it might get placed in the electronic hell by the delete comment button. Needless to say I wont be entering into a slanging match.
What I'd ideally like is for people to read, understand and discuss my pov with respect to the blog. In a civilised manner (<-- wasn't sure whether to add that but realised this is Bd we are talking about - so all or any safety precautions are always an added bonus).
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