I can't simply understand the stupidity of this idea that they will monitor the speed of vehicles from a control center(s). LOL. Just imagine if these guys had some brain cells shared amongst them. They could have gone to Mars now. Screw NASA. These guy's are it! I mean really - is it really practical, feasible for a country like BD? In fact has such a thing been done anywhere in the world? I think not.

What is it trying to solve? The speeding problem and the killing of pedestrians. Right so fitting a remotely supervised monitor will solve this. Dream on. Instead of solving the utter lawlessness of the roads in Bangladesh again we are attacking the symptom instead of the cause. Bit like us fitting grills to all the windows in BD.
Another screwed up aspect is that the High Court ordered that the government have speed limiters fitted to all vehicles in the first place. Why have a parliament? Well I know the BD parliament is ineffective but seriously why don't we have judges just create laws in response lawsuits filed at the civil servants.
How stupid can it get? This is Bangladesh. It can only get worse.....
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