Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Jubo League henchmen

The Caretaker Government wanted to rid education of student politics during its 2 year reign. Unfortunately the do-gooders, the corrupt, the advocates of student goonda's and 'cadres' didn't want the ban. They were in the majority.

Picture by Focus Bangla

Even everyday people who to all extents were simple civilized soles that I spoke to were against the ban. Why I asked? Well they keep harping on about the independence struggle. Yes students back then played a pivotal role. However, we are now in a completely different scenario and situation. Back then every one had a common goal. Now there's two goals. Get into power and get into power. The Jubo League(chadabaji wing of Awami League) and Jubo Dal (chadabaji wing of BNP) have have hijacked the agenda. These are not patriotic citizens. These will never fight in an independence fight again - not that we need one. Instead in a war situation these parasitic beings will loot and flee the country using the nearest possible exit.

Since AL came to power virtually all educational establishments have been inflicted with these parasitic attacks by Jubo League. One has to understand that the local MP, Mayor, MP, commissioner (councilor) also shelter them. As AL did genuinely overwhelmingly win the election it is no surprise that they feel even more hard in beating up and robbing innocents, tender manipulation and extortion.

I was disgusted reading todays paper with the end less list of Jubo League thuggery. Due to which I've decided to compile a list of the mother-chuds activities.

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